Gyroscope, Original TEDCO

Gyroscope, Original TEDCO

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Make your gyroscope do some astounding tricks and impress your friends.
$23.00 $25.30
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Gyroscopic forces have amazed mankind for hundreds of years. Now these amazing forces are yours with this great value gyroscope. You can perform feats that seem to defy gravity. Your original TEDCO gyroscope will spin on its pedestal... dance on a string tightrope... balance perfectly on the lip of a drinking glass. Discover the secret and make your gyroscope do these and other astounding tricks. Complete instructions, pedestal and string inside.

What you get

Original TEDCO Gyrosope, instructions, pedestal and string in an attractive transparent box. Colours vary and will be selected randomly for your order.

How does it work

The original gyroscope will keep spinning in the same direction and maintain its position, even when titled. It relies on one of Newton's laws: an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by a force. This sophisticated spin top will introduce you to several mechanical principals - although you may not realize it. And the peculiar ways it moves are guaranteed to fascinate.


  • Gyroscopic inertia
  • Centripetal forces
  • Procession
  • Conversation of angular momentum and stability
  • Inertia the faster it spins, the harder it is to change its angle of spin.
  • Newton's laws of motion